Basic data for general calculations and forecasts: date of birth (this is sufficient for the formation of general calculations)
Starting dates for more complex calculations: date of birth, time of birth, NUMBERS (excluding street and place names) of houses and flats, actual and post-registration, home and office number of job, license plates, telephone number. Important if you have recently moved from one place to another or have changed your workplace, changing the numbers of homes and offices, changing the work phone and the company car.
– for a period of 5-8 years. This is the optimal maximum period for choosing a lifetime for calculations and forecasts.
– for the current year, 12 months in advance, GENERAL, with no monthly classification
– for the current year, 12 months in advance, GENERAL, with monthly classification
– for the Personal Biological Year for 12 months, but from the first month from which your Personal Biological Year begins
– for the selected month, with a detailed classification of the general functions of the month for each week or no classification
– for the selected month with a detailed classification of the general functions of the month for each day or no classification
– for the selected month with the main spheres of life: Basic three functions of the month (first, second and third), finances, health, personal relationships, work or business, security, property
– for the selected day with detailed classification for each HOUR or no classification for each hour
– The main directions of life – career, current work, health, personal relationships and finances; For these areas, general calculations can be made and detailed calculations for the selected direction
– additional directions after a separate order at the customer’s option
– personal and business compatibility, compatibility with children
– Calculations for business – from personnel to training to methods of effective business management, inter-founder compatibility and compatibility of each founder with the company itself. For the company, the initial parameter is the date of registration (re-registration) of the company
– General correspondence course, basics for the control of events, for personal use only – 10 sections, duration of the training on average one year
– Accompaniment at concrete events; the more complex the event, the more complex the calculations and forecasts
– calculation of safety when driving by car or when flying by plane (helicopter)
– Calculation of the degree of risk in tourism
– Analysis of the possibility and danger of your deception by someone
– Calculations for property (real estate, car, business, copyright)
– Analysis and calculation of financial transactions and processes of all kinds, from credit to investment
– Stress and depression management
– Control of issues of harmony in the family and upbringing (childbirth) of children
– Product quality management in production
Other on your request.